The Respect Life and Family Ministry focuses on increasing respect for life – for people of all ages, and to foster a belief in and faithfulness to family life. Members coordinate to increase prayerfulness to end abortion, and raise funds to provide assistance to many pro-life organizations such as Obria Medical Clinics and the Life Center of Santa Ana. Some of our ministry activities include praying the Rosary the first Saturday of each month at Planned Parenthood in Orange, keeping parishioners informed of legislation affecting the unborn and sponsoring parish activities such as a Speakers Series, Pennies from Heaven, Mother's Day Roses, and participating in 40 Days for Life in Orange Co.
Ways to get involve and help:
Obria Medical Clinic: 714-516-9045
Life Center of Santa Ana: 714-835-543
Horizon Pregnancy Clinic: 714-897-7500
Let Them Live (Hotline): 202-450-4357
Option United (Helpline): 877-398-7734
La Habra Life Center: 562-691-9395